about ESN

What is the ESN mission
Our mission at English Speaking Networking is to help you grow your business. From Sabras to Olim Hadashim and Vatikim, we help business owners gain more clients. 

What inspired us?
ESN was founded by a British oleh, Helena Baker, who on moving to the Holy Land found English speaking networking options a little lacking in her new home. So, she created ESN to offer a space for business owners to grow their network and their business, all with that delightful Anglo service level and rather more gentle approach to selling.

Can I visit the group before joining?
Absolutely, you can visit twice before making a decision about joining.

How often are the meetings?
The meetings are 9-11 am every other week 

Can I miss a meeting?
Yes, absolutely – we expect all our members to come to a meeting at least once a quarter but encourage them to come to every meeting. 

How much does it cost to join?
The cost is either 300 NIS + VAT a month or 3000 NIS + VAT a year. 

Why do I have to join for the year?
Networking takes time, it is by no means an overnight sales process. We believe that by being committed for a year you are giving the group enough time to truly reap the rewards.  

Can just anyone join?
No, we have an application process and accept only those people who really feel are in line with our mission. 

the advantages of membership

  • You lock out your competition i.e. – once you join you would be the only interior designer/web designer in the group. 
  • You get the chance to hear from incredible guest speakers who offer tangible advice for running a small business
  • You will get a chance to present to the group at least once a year 
  • You can collaborate with ESN and create a workshop that will be advertised through our social medias. It will be free for members and paid for guests – once the costs of the space/food is covered you can keep the profits.

Upcoming Events

ESN Online Israel

Our online networking meetings offer all the power of traditional, structured networking without leaving the comfort of your home. With


ESN Jerusalem

Due to extremely popular demand, ESN Jerusalem is back! An incredible opportunity to network with business owners and grow your



An incredible opportunity to network with business owners and grow your network. . As always the meeting will follow our